Monday, June 9, 2014

World Blog Tour

Hello Heart's Haven Friends!

Tanya Stowe here, checking in with the HH Blog to tell you about a fun event. For the next few weeks those of us at Heart's Haven, Delia, Mary, Marianne and I will be participating in a World Blog Tour. What's a WBT you ask? It's an exchange of blog sites. A friend blogs and sends her readers to visit with us. We blog and send our readers to visit others. Hopefully, readers might even get to travel round the world on their blog visits!

Today, June 9, our friend Lily Maytree will be posting on her blog site. Here's the address:

She's running a little late because she sailing the Pacific Ocean towards Alaska. Yes, Lily is a true adventurer and she writes wonderful action/adventures with kooky heroines. Here's a little more about her.

Lilly Maytree is the author of GOLD TRAP and THE PANDORA BOX. Two books that sent her careening along on her “Mystery Tours” with her captain husband aboard the Glory B. She loves sharing these adventures with readers. It has even been said that she time-travels (but that’s probably just a rumor). You can get in touch with her through her web site at It might take a few days if she is adventuring far away... but she always comes back sooner, or later.

Hope you can visit Lily's site! Stay tuned! I'll be posting on June 16!

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